These ten things you should know about mold come from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and can be found here. At Dutch’s Mold Inspections & Mold Remediation Services it is not our goal to simply remove mold, but
Why Does Mold Removal Continue to Capture Headlines?

You may have thought mold inspections, mold removal (or mold remediation) and indoor air quality would stop making headlines by now. After all it was over 40 years ago, in the late 1970’s that the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and
Indoor Air Quality in the Workplace Causes Headaches, Fatigue and More
A recent article in the Safety + Health publication discusses Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) issues in the workplace. The Environmental Protection Agency notes that workers may experience adverse health effects from indoor air pollutants soon after exposure – or years
Could You Catch a Cold From Your Building? Sick Building Syndrome / Sick House Syndrome
Symptoms of Sick House Syndrome, Sick Building Syndrome, and poor IAQ (indoor air quality) at your home, school or business include: – cronic headaches – eye or skin irritation – sniffles – sneezes – dry cough – fatigue – dizziness
Indoor Air Quality in Our Schools
As the new school year gets underway nationwide, many states are reflecting on their indoor air quality policies across their school systems. Some state health officials, like the ones in Indiana, have recently implemented tougher indoor air quality requirements for
Cleveland: Is Your IAQ (Indoor Air Quality) Affecting Your IQ?
“Roughly 20% of the U.S. population spends their days inside educational facilities, where poor IAQ can influence health, concentration, attendance, and student and staff performance. Poor IAQ is associated with a variety of health risks and problems, including asthma,
Mold Removal Delaying School Projects
A middle school in Pennsylvania is canceling a number of school services and programs due to a major mold removal project. The South Eastern School District is spending more than $100,000 to end a mold problem caused by ongoing issues